
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Florida rewards DWSRF loan recipients that actively using an asset management plans with interest rate reductions. The costs of developing an asset management plan are eligible for Florida DWSRF loans. Technical and training assistance for asset management is provided by SERCAP and the Florida Rural Water Association.

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM’s Mobile application was first used in Hillsborough County and at the City of St. Petersburg. Our Mobile puts full GIS and mapping access in the hands of frontline workers in the field.

Did you know

Florida is home to nearly 900 freshwater springs, the largest concentration in the world. The Florida Everglades, one of the great grasslands in the world, is marked by a silent, slow sheet of fresh water moving above and below ground, providing water to nearly 8 million people.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • ‍Drinking water systems using set-aside funding were added to the contract between Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s with the Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA).
  • The development of AM plans (planning, design or construction phases) are loan eligible costs per Florida’s DWSRF rule, Chapter 62-552, F.A.C. Loan recipients that have employed an AM plan are eligible for an interest rate reduction of 0.1 percent. The rate reduction applies to future loans if the AM plan is still in use.  


  • Water systems are provided with training on asset management and assistance in the creation and utilization of AM plans; this is provided by SERCAP. Asset management training from FRWA includes the use of mapping software.
  • SERCAP manages regular outreach technical assistance activities. These include: operator/staff training, rate studies, board training, and community workshops that can be held in conjunction with the AM process.
  • In an effort to provide small communities with asset management assistance, DWSRF has contracted with FRWA. FRWA creates several AM plans annually, mostly for smaller drinking water systems. Since the program’s inception, over 40 PWSs have created and implemented AM plans.


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