
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Massachusetts provides funding through DWSRF and MADEP, as well as technical assistance, that encourages asset management planning. Asset management plans are required for any new PWSs, and existing PWS undergoing updates.

MentorAPM in

The City of Hull used MentorAPM’s Criticality Analyzer to complete a full risk and criticality assessment in the Hull Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Did you know

Massachusetts is home to the Quabbin Reservoir, one of the largest man-made public water supplies in the United States.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Asset management can be financed through the DWSRF program. Additionally, an asset management Planning Grant Program is offered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP). Asset inventory, AM program plan, AM report, and AM software and training are eligible for the grant.
  • Technical assistance providers assisting in leak detection and other AM activities can be funded with DWSRF set-asides.


  • Existing PWSs undergoing updates and all new PWSs are required to submit a business plan demonstrating adequate capacity and AM-related components (310 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 22.04).
  • The sanitary survey review has an emphasis on AM planning; recommendations to develop an AM plan, establish inventory, identify replacement costs, and attend training are made.


  • AM is addressed in many annual trainings provided by MADEP Drinking Water Program.
  • External trainings, including AM, are available on an online training calendar.
  • Onsite technical assistance is available, and AM assistance programs are in development.
  • MADEP’s webpage provides guidance on the AM planning grant program.
  • The Capacity Survey addresses asset management.
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