
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Minnesota provides trainings, technical and financial assistance for asset management planning, especially for small water systems. Recent approval to form the Minnesota Advisory Counsel on Infrastructure will promote more asset management activities in the future.

MentorAPM in

The MentorAPM team Metropolitan Council of Environmental Services and the City of St. Paul Water Department since 2016. Both agencies use MentorAPM’s Mobile work management system.

Did you know

Minnesota is the only state from which water flows out in three directions: north to Hudson Bay in Canada, east to the Atlantic Ocean, and south to the Gulf of Mexico.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • DWSRF funding is used to help PWSs create asset management plans.


  • Sanitary surveys cover asset management efforts.


  • Routine asset management trainings are conducted by the Minnesota Rural Water Association (MRWA) staff.
  • Annually, systems most in need of assistance are identified, and MRWA staff can conduct on-site assistance with AM, including development of a map of the system’s assets using GIS.
  • Excel based asset management templates for small water systems have been developed by MRWA.


  • Minnesota recently approved the formation of the Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure. It is modeled after the Michigan Infrastructure Council. It is being established to provide for “effective and efficient management of infrastructure and preserving and extending the longevity of Minnesota's public and privately owned infrastructure.” The first step in 2025 is to fund for a director, followed by engaging stakeholders. In 2026 and 2027, increasing budgets will allow for programs, education, and other unified AM activities.


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