
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Nevada has numerous resources and materials available for asset management planning; loans and loan forgiveness is available to PWSs with asset management planning

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM makes reporting on asset criticality and the current state of your assets easy for asset management program reviews.

Did you know

Las Vegas has a unique water conservation system that allows it to sustain growth without depleting more water from the Colorado River. This is due to a closed loop of water treatment and redistribution.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Additional DWSRF points are awarded to systems with developed asset management programs.
  • A fiscal sustainability plan, like an asset management plan, is required for a PWS to receive principal forgiveness with a DWSRF loan.


  • AM program reviews are required for new water systems. PWSs undergo five-year updates, and AM program reviews are conducted during this time.
  • AM training is provided by technical assistance providers to water systems that have identified sanitary survey deficiencies.


  • Training for AM and resource consolidation is provided for operators and managers by technical assistance providers.
  • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds can be used for technical assistance providers to prepare AM programs for systems.
  • All PWSs have access to guidance materials on asset management benefits.
  • Capacity surveys include questions about the development of asset management and public outreach.


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