New Hampshire

Water Infrastructure Asset Management
New Hampshire

New Hampshire requires asset management plans for DWSRF funding and provides many grant opportunities for PWSs. The state is working to expand their reach to small water systems.

MentorAPM in
New Hampshire

MentorAPM makes reporting on asset criticality and the current state of your assets easy for submitting updated asset management plans to your state department.

Did you know

The Merrimack River starts in Franklin, New Hampshire, and runs for about 115 miles before emptying into the Gulf of Maine at Newburyport, Massachusetts. The Merrimack River is a water source for more than half a million people.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Additional priority ranking points are awarded to loan pre-applicants demonstrating that their systems have an asset management program.
  • Water System Sustainability Grants (WSSGs) incentivize community water systems (CWSs) to engage in asset management activities with asset management grants.
  • Efforts to reduce water loss and energy costs, including AM and hiring professional leak detection firms, can be funded with DWSRF set-asides.
  • AM planning or business plans are required for DWSRF funding.


  • A Water System Business Plan, designed as an asset management plan, is required for all new water systems.
  • Sanitary surveys contain questions related to asset management and capacity development.


  • Capacity Development training includes AM training and is provided by NHDES staff, or by staff under contract.
  • The state’s Capacity Development webpage has updated AM resources.
  • All water systems are encouraged to develop AM plans, and technical assistance is available for AM planning. Annual technical assistance is provided to small systems to create their business plan, including a detailed asset inventory.


  • For very small systems serving less than 500 people, NHDES is considering new asset management grant opportunities.


We invite you
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New Hampshire
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