
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Texas awards priority points for asset management, and contracts with outside firms to help water systems create and implement asset management plans.

MentorAPM in

Texas water systems can qualify for priority ranking for DWSRF loans with an asset management plan supported by MentorAPM.

Did you know

There are 31 aquifers that supply about 60% of the annual water usage. There are about a dozen major aquifers in the state, including the Trinity Aquifer and the Edwards Aquifer.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • The Texas Water Development Board and other agencies give priority ranking to systems with asset management plans.
  • The Texas Water Development Board Asset Management Program for Small Systems contracts with external firms to create asset management plans.


  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) conducts training through its assistance providers to help systems execute asset management plans. Virtual training on asset management is offered by a variety of providers including the SWEFC asset management Switchboard.
  • Workshops and presentations about asset management at conferences including the annual TCEQ Public Drinking Water Conference are available. Technical assistance providers conduct pilot projects that promote AM through mentor programs and system-to-system training.
  • Free on-site technical assistance for asset management planning is available through TCEQ’s state assistance contracts and the Small Business and Local Government Assistance program.
  • Guidance on the state’s website includes free templates, guidance documents, and other asset management planning resources.


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